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Ask Yourself

* Is living in a Blended Family or a Stepfamily “more than you bargained for?”

* Does step parenting feel like the most challenging and thankless job of all?

* Is the tension and conflict taking its toll on your relationships

* Are you becoming worried about your children and their well-being?

* Are you constantly arguing with your partner about the kids, discipline and parenting in general?

• Is your ex or your partner's ex causing real problems in your blended family and in your relationship

• Are you at the end of your rope and need some answers NOW

* Are you considering entering into a Blended Family or Stepfamily and want to be prepared?

Please note, our phone number has changed to 647-847-6192

If YOU NEED HELP, You've come to the Right Place!

Support, New Insights and Effective Strategies
To be Successful in your Relationships and in your Family

Step Institute - Phone CoachingWant to try coaching but not sure if it’s for you?

2 Special Introductory Coaching Offers - No Obligation!

  1. A Free 20 minute Phone Coaching Session
  2. A full One Hour Coaching Session at Half of the Regular Rate

Please click on EITHER OFFER to find out more.

Get the help you need, when you need it, from the comfort of home

  • Timely and Cost Effective
  • Accessible and Convenient
  • First 20 minute session is FREE

Speak with professional Counselors who are living the "Step Experience” themselves.


Ask Yvonne!


Rick And Yvonne - Successfull Step Parents Rick and Yvonne Kelly
Certified Stepfamily Counsellors and
Founders of The Step and Blended Family Institute

Blended Families Get the Step Parenting Help They Need at
The Step and Blended Family Institute.

With Support, New Information and the Right Strategies, Stepfamilies CAN and DO Succeed!

“ Ours did and now we're coaching other blended families towards success.”
- Rick and Yvonne Kelly, Certified Counsellors for Blended Families

We received our Training and Certification from Jeannette Lofas, PhD, LCSW, Founder and President of the Stepfamily Foundation Inc. headquartered in New York City and we would like to gratefully acknowledge her contributions throughout this site.

"Couples With Adult Children
In The Mix"

Our 3rd Step-Dating Teleconference event was held July 16th.

Step Dating with Adult children in the mix presents some unexpected challenges for the dating couple as well as the adult children, and even the extended family and grand children that may also be involved.
Get the recording!



In January and April 2009, we hosted two free teleconferences which were well attended.The recorded versions of these Step Dating Teleconferences along with the Resources, Checklists and the Newly Revised Step Dating E-Book are now available at the low cost of $CA 9.95.

STEPDATING AND REMARRIAGE – For singles, single parents, dating couples with children in the mix, or couples contemplating a serious commitment, please check this out. You will be glad you did!!


1.)  Money and Blended Families:

If you had a unique chance to ask a TOP EXPERT in the field, any question you had about MONEY in relation to your blended family, what would your question be?  Please CONTACT us with your question.

2.)  Step Dating for Singles, Single Parents and Couples Dating with Children in the Mix

If you could ask YOUR MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION about STEP DATING with children in the mix, what would it be?  Our top experts have the answers.  Please CONTACT us with your question and we would be happy to answer it for you.


Yvonne Kelly, Founder of SBFI, appears on TVO’s More2Life Program and speaks to the challenges faced by stepfamilies and blended families and what couples can do to make this transition easier for everyone involved.

Click here to watch the Video of Yvonne titled - VIDEO More2LifeFamily




If you are a parent who feels that your children have been influenced against you by their other parent and need some support and information to help you deal with this difficult situation then
Check out this site:

To learn more about the PARENTAL ALIENATION CONFERENCE that took place in Toronto in March 2009, please visit:


Testimonials From Blended Families / Step Families

We provide counselling, step parenting advice and phone coaching to individuals, couples and blended families across North America and around the world.

Here's what some of them had to say.

I always leave our sessions with a clearer sense of what it is I am striving for, what I need to do, and feeling good about some of the choices I have made. Invaluable. Thank you.”

Robin M., Ontario, Canada


It was great to get a completely objective opinion on a subject that was complex. I truly felt like I had someone on my side and someone who really understood what I was going through. Along with the helpful techniques and suggestions she offered, the support was phenomenal and just knowing that it was ok to feel the way I did, was enough to get me through a lot of hard days.”

Laura B., North Carolina, US


Obvious professionalism and experience, reassuring, trustworthy, separates chaff from the wheat'

David F., Dublin, Ireland


We received our Training and Certification from Dr. Jeannette Lofas with the Stepfamily Foundation Inc. and would like to gratefully acknowledge her contributions throughout this site.

SBFI Recommends the Following Resources:

The Communication Map, a one page system for all relationships  Conscious Dating, the book by David Steele  The Relationship Coaching Institute

99 Things To Do With Your Kids  SBFI

99 things to do with your stepkids Click Here!

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